Silken Park first to achieve HPI certification for private development


Silken Park in City West  has been the first private development to achieve the Home Performance Index (HPI) label. The houses were built by Durkan Residential and meet key HPI criteria on water efficiency and daylighting, as well as being Passive house certified.

The certification of Silken Park coincides with the launch of the Home Performance Index Website, meaning that Home Buyers will be able to find  quality sustainable homes listed in the one place.

The Home Performance Index label was developed by the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) after extensive research and consultation with the industry to encourage quality and excellence in the development of new homes. The HPI certificate demonstrates that the home has been designed and constructed with care to ensure low running costs, enhance the health and well being of the occupants and minimise environmental impacts.

The label also allows housing providers and private developers to highlight the quality and sustainability of their homes to occupants, investors and home buyers. Read more.